An evening with Barry Fantoni


Barry Fantoni was one of the founders of Private Eye Magazine and is still a regular contributor, working alongside the magazine’s editor Ian Hislop. He was also a close personal friend of many of the most famous names in British satire, including Peter Cook, Richard Ingrams, Paul Foot, John Wells and Auberon Waugh.

An Evening with Barry Fantoni includes poems from the Private Eye character E J Thribb, conversation and anecdotes about British satire and the story of Private Eye, interspersed with jazz numbers performed by Barry on clarinet together with his good friends and musical colleagues Dominic Alldis and Madeleine Alldis.


Barry Fantoni is a man of many parts - jazz musician, cartoonist and comic writer for Private Eye, artist, actor, expert in Chinese horoscopes and TV Personality of the Year, 1966. As if all this weren't glory enough, he also holds the grand if somewhat improbable post of Professor of Communications and Media Studies at the University of Salerno. I bet his lectures are a riot.
Charles Spencer
The Daily Telegraph, 2005